
  • The Kindness Collective Foodbank

    The primary activity of The Kindness Collective, and the reason it was established, is to provide an efficient, well-stocked and generous foodbank service to those in our community who find themselves in need. The Kindness Collective foodbank is registered with and receives food from Foodbank Victoria and Bendigo Foodshare, but also relies heavily on the generosity of the local community for much of the food required for those in need within our broader community. Thanks to the generosity of our food donors the The Kindness Collective foodbank provides a wide range of good quality, wholesome foods (including fresh fruit and vegetables, dry goods, and prepared meals), as well as other critical household items and personal hygiene products.

  • The Kindness Collective OpShop

    The Kindness Collective Opportunity Shop is a deliberately low-cost second-hand shop that has two distinct purposes. Firstly, the shop is the primary source of funding for the organisation and is largely responsible for making possible the other important activities, such as the free foodbank. Secondly, the shop provides those in need with access to very affordable clothes, toys, household items and books - an important service to the community. The pricing strategy of the shop not only makes these items accessible to those in the community in need, but also provides those experienced “op shoppers” with the chance to snare a bargain - just like the good old days of “op shop shopping”.

  • The Kindness Collective DropIn

    The Drop In space provides a safe and friendly environment for local community members to stop in for a cuppa, our dedicated staff and volunteers provide friendly faces and an understanding ear if you are in need of a chat. . On Thursdays, by appointment only, we have our friendly counsellor Robert, who is offering free counselling to local community members who find themselves in need. (T&C’s apply) To make an appointment send an email to or call 03 5422 1162.

  • The Kindness Collective CrisisRelief

    In the event of personal emergencies and especially difficult times, The Kindness Collective can provide a range of emergency support to those in need. This support includes, clothing, food, personal hygiene products, furniture and other household items.

  • The installation of our Soup Kitchen was made possible thanks to Les Russell through his generous donation in memory of his late wife Elaine Russell. The Soup Kitchen was established to ensure we can provide a hot meal to local community members who find themselves in need, to hold community lunches to promote community connection, to create meals for our free foodbank and teach local basic cooking skills.

  • Through regular engagement with our free food bank clients, a range of other personal challenges and/or needs are often identified. TKC has always attempted to provide a low-level need assessment and referral service for our food bank clients, by facilitating introductions and referrals to the relevant local health and other support agencies. However, through our increased engagement with the community, we have identified a growing need for this service and are planning to expand this offering in the near future.


Work for the Dole Program.

The Kindness Collective is a Work for the Dole Host Organisation as part of the Australian Government’s jobactive employment service. We are proud to play our role in providing work experience to help job seekers from within our community gain new skills while they look for work, and we have had very positive outcomes through the program.


The Kindness Collective is proud to play our role in providing work experience students with a diverse range of workplace opportunities in our Op Shop, FoodBank and Drop In Space. As a host Organisation for students completing their certification 3, 4 and diploma in community services we are excited to supply students with insight into the community serves sector.